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Dine out for Dignity

Dine out for Dignity A Fundraising Campaign to support Newtown Neighbourhood Centre’s essential services.

This year’s Dine out for Dignity campaign will take place during International Eradication of Poverty Week. All funds raised directly assist the local community members who access NNC’s essential services like our Drop-in Hub and other homelessness programs.

The concept is simple.

Newtown Enmore Business Community businesses pledge to donate a percentage of proceeds on a day during that week. NNC promotes those venues and locals dine out at their favourite participating venue to support the community’s most vulnerable:

Venues sign up HERE + commit to donating 20-50% of proceeds to NNC

Young Henry’s will donate a keg to any participating venue that can be used as a drink special or karma keg where proceeds also come to NNC

The Erko is donating 25% of food on Tuesday
+ funds from Newtowner karma keg.

Get in touch with Tyler at NNC if you want to have a chat or have further questions.

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